Laurie Baker passes away

"The Man of Tao...Harms no other being/By his actions...He goes his way without relying on others/And does not pride himself on walking alone/ While he does not follow the crowd/He won't complain of those who do..."
I know, I know - after the Walk alone post, I should be the last person to quote this quote. But I'm on a journey and my opinions evolving by the moment. I never forgot the lecture on mob spirit in school. It would be a running experience. So it was pretty this little saying by Chuang Tzu. And here are some more:
No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions: Then your affairs are under control. You are a free man. (19:12, pp. 166-167)
The man of Tao remains unknown. Perfect virtue produces nothing. "No-Self" is "True-Self". And the greatest man is Nobody. (17:3, pp. 137-138)

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