gre SHAMBOLLIC: roosh gk

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


ok this is in a tearing hurry but a huge congratulations to me after ages for doing something that was confirmed clever. finding my way to avenue de beaulieu at short notice, with only help from a bad map, relying on the metro on first use (was only the tram before) and then getting there in a fourth of the time weirdly forecasted. since i only knew merode, thats where i took the metro from after coming to the conclusion from a metro map that i look out for 1A in signage and that the name 'hermann=debroux' should be expected on the LED of the metroplane as the last stop. thats all. thats all. the only part i cant boast about is that i arrived an hour before the meeting.
finally walked down to the living pqrt of the city which i really found by accident yesterday or before. had actually meant to look for la maison de bicyclistes cos i found their maps werre simply more sensible. this was somewhere at the end of flagey. the shop was closed and i wandered instead. and a great wander indeed. some colour and crime at last. the congolese immigrant community; witnessed an inelegant scuffle when a skinhead tripped a black on crutches; the community didnt let him go easily; and when i turnned back after 20 minutes he was still swaggering after defeat. i saw a group of arabie types picking a fight with a white female motorist and all i wanted to do was stab the arabie types. sorry but though i approve of ganags entirely, the araby and south asian types do it so badly.
then there's another little bit i want to add about what happened during my wait this morning but i guess that will be the next post. till next time then.
posted by Finny Forever at 9:42 PM


At 10:28 PM, Blogger WriterLady said...

bangalorean in belgium...interesting...sequoia and soros logos on ur blog....even more interesting!! wot do u do?...

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Finny Forever said...

the seq and soros was a diversion for another project; absolutely nothing to do with what i do - but we're a budding consultancy allinall :)


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