Tuesday, February 19, 2008

global defense of sources and press freedoms, circa now—
Tuesday 19 February, 2008

1. This, my friends, is news of the day: Following a Calif Court ruling, was taken offline. Who was petitioning what? "The case was brought by a Swiss bank after "several hundred" documents were posted about its offshore activities.[Source: BBC]". The bank in question is Julius Baer and it was whistle-blown upon by Wikileaks.

But is this an empty victory for Baer? Because there be mirror sites. You can read the offending documents here:
And here is an an instance of someone who got jittery about wikileaks back in March. I mean downright hostile - he gets to reputation even.

2. In other news, with a exciting ruling awaited on the BAE-slushfund-Saudi case any time now. This appears the latest development:
Blair used 'irresistible pressure' to halt investigation into BAE-Saudi arms deal
posted by Finny Forever at 2:35 PM


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