Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
finally walked down to the living pqrt of the city which i really found by accident yesterday or before. had actually meant to look for la maison de bicyclistes cos i found their maps werre simply more sensible. this was somewhere at the end of flagey. the shop was closed and i wandered instead. and a great wander indeed. some colour and crime at last. the congolese immigrant community; witnessed an inelegant scuffle when a skinhead tripped a black on crutches; the community didnt let him go easily; and when i turnned back after 20 minutes he was still swaggering after defeat. i saw a group of arabie types picking a fight with a white female motorist and all i wanted to do was stab the arabie types. sorry but though i approve of ganags entirely, the araby and south asian types do it so badly.
then there's another little bit i want to add about what happened during my wait this morning but i guess that will be the next post. till next time then.
Friday, September 21, 2007
the charming touch is that apart from format conversions in departments of documents, images, audio, and video; it offers the sweet little unit conversions as well. it's this abdication from the race that really touches in the campaign of serious services. it really is just simple sand, mud, and bricks, in the end. it helps that some services never lose sight of this.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Pull not thy punches; punch the bunches
I hate the fragile observations of some stupid idyll like its going to pass; like how well you connected with a poorly-dressed person like yourself on the cheapest bus; like about some crass damp hertitage building close to tipping on a starving crowd with few ideas or about another frigging language up for classical status. I vomit on talk of the cars you've tried out just to show how about-town you've been; how about showing how about-your-toesized-brain you've been? People giving readings of pseudo-naive* effort; unable to tell a white ass from a white ass . Titbrains all for particular species of beaten-down servile animals, not thinking twice about feeding them more maddeningly defiant lifeforms, if they havent already advanced to conforming their diet to something fashionably human while also appointing themselves spokespersons for the undisguised gratefulness of their mindless charges. Meanwhile here are some really nice things we came across:
Stingy practical Nagoya has the last laugh
Try watching -
I’m Not There I hate Bob Dylan though; his lyrics should be read
And I've never heard of dedicating an obituary, but I'm dedicating this to someone -
Professor Susan Hurley
* see: pseudo-naive art (different from naive art)