Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008
We mated with Neanderthals. Can
we breed with other animals, too?
we breed with other animals, too?

2.People who register companies because they had a few spare lakhs, ambition, money to launder from another company, something to gain from bidding for contracts/funding under another name. All that, but no idea.

Friday, July 25, 2008

"...It's not fucking rocket science. It's fucking pre-GCSE scansion. I have written 350 restaurant reviews for The Times and i have never ended on an unstressed syllable. Fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck...I am sorry if this looks petty (last time i mailed a Times sub about the change of a single word i got in all sorts of trouble) but i care deeply about my work and i hate to have it fucked up by shit subbing. I have been away, you've been subbing joe and hugo and maybe they just file and fuck off and think "hey ho, it's tomorrow's fish and chips" - well, not me. I woke up at three in the morning on sunday and fucking lay there, furious, for two hours. weird, maybe. but that's how it is..."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sea of Poppies

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2. Does anyone have a Baedeker - vintage types?
3. Prefabricated Houses, at the Modern http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/07/18/arts/0718-DWELL_12.html
4. Wouldn't mind this: Perfumes: The Guide (Hardcover)
5. Reality shows are better suited to this kind of challenge: http://momahomedelivery.org/
6. Another article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/18/arts/design/18dwel.html

Monday, July 21, 2008
Brangelina expecting twins - get sextets!
and EVEN MORE good news
Brangelina expecting twins - get sextets!
and EVEN MORE good news
Ecstatic as this news should be for the couple that delight in such expansion, sources close to the pair informed us that this time, the celebrity couple were distinctly unamused. Already overlooked for his acting abilities, Brad has also failed as producer, all his last 23 movies having registered unprecedented negative box office returns. By most estimates, Angelina too appears to have careened to the end of her acting career as we know it, her increasingly exoskeletal structure leaving hapless scriptwriters to protest at the unnatural retrofitting of story to suit the actress. Not to mention the third world refugees who have taken affront at having an unatural ambassador foisted on them.
It is opined they may shortly have to surrender all their children to adoption with the option of redeeming them later when at least either one of their careers picks up, at which time, if they are still together they may even lauch their charges into the world of celebrity.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Marriage of Maria Braun
Fascinating - economic locked-in script, thrilling turns, unreal dialog. Both Fassbinder. A possessed Hanna Schygulla. Fela (a viewer) watched this cynically but managed to be gripped; how did this happen? I suspect Fassbinder intended this: something like a radio show is playing throughout in the background - this would irritate anyone at the start. You are not encouraged to judge/evaluate, just receive, the pace helps. And of course the dependence on subtitles that robbed more time off the possibility. He is not compelled to make sense; he wishes to throw off the bumviewer within bounds.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
- First Monday
- (Fire in the belly, run run run)
- Content is not king (for his deftn of contentum)
- Defeasible Reasoning
- Event: 28th July

Thursday, July 03, 2008
***Must learn my lesson: a burst of greed and hyperactivity made me break my no more ad agencies promise. zombie vibes were picked up. will say it again: no more. i will hereafter be happy with my modest gear -> power transmission assignments and look at educating myself in the plentiful spare time. blugh
***Alan Jonston, hostage for a year in Palestine some time back, returned to the bbc after the experience to host 'From Our Own Correspondent'. However his new-founded voice tone of irritating long-drawn resignation and abdication from interest, struck me straight off as tiresome and stultifying. As if to say he's been, everbody knows, through so much, he's earned the right to sound like this. The BBC is beholden but I think he should be asked to pick up or pack out. In a people's job you should be thinking of the stories you're presenting, no matter how mentally ravaged you were this time 2 years back.
***Wrk blogs bookmarkd: Frederick Noronha

Tuesday, July 01, 2008