Sunday, March 21, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010
This is not funny
I can only guess at the sensational and heart-breaking cases of Indian journos whose lives have been ruined by some charge of libel, or just the threat of it. I can only guess because so far I haven't read anything particularly impassioned on the subject in the liberal media. Perhaps it's because the real reporting these days is being done by bloggers. Anyway, there is absolutely no time for me to plead the wisdom of doing away with libel, moreover the links I'm going to splatter here, do all the talking on the issue. Simon Singh, author of 'Fermat's Last Theorem' and Guardian columnist, has written his last column for the paper. Indeed his career has come to a certain halt, as he deals with the legal headache of libel action brought against him by the British Chiropractic Association. The wrangle has already taken two years of his time and he says even if he wins the case, he isn't going to recover legal expenses.
In case we all forgot because it was so many years back, there was the nice case of ToI strongarming the blog Mediaah! into deleting posts/shutting down or prepare for legal action, for reporting too effectively on ToI's marketing journalism. Also, if you wanted to know how exactly Cyrus B gets away with his dangerous play on that show of his on cnn-ibn, keep guessing. I'm only guessing it's not all covered by this thing called liability insurance (presumably taken out by the channel). If it is, maybe blog hosts should be taking out such a thing for bloggers? I certainly would like to know what cover FakingNews is taking. No risk of action from Jolie-Pitt?
In other news, a certain nubile son of some Rhodsie scholar known for a snakey play and artsy movies, should try looking at his face in the mirror more often when he jerks off with his sock. Try wearing the appropriate expression when you jerk off. And don't speak, just grunt. Grime out. Time Out.

Friday, March 05, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Hours after seeing photos of Infosys' appallingly bizarre aesthetics for its Mysore campus, I couldn't help afterimages of mangled wireframe domes, glass long-since shattered, cracked plaster, destitution, giant pan stains and general decrepitude. Why does Infosys just get it wrong in every way, especially in visible structure design. It seems they will it. There is that unforgivable imitation of the Louvre pyramid on Hosur Main. Wipro on the other hand, has built its equity and buildings and image with unmistakable class. Who cares if Premji's keeping most of the shares to himself? He's spread the wealth around handsomely. It's striking that every third person (xagg) you meet has done something for Wipro in some capacity, as for the dreaded agencies, I haven't come across a single one in town that hasn't done something for it once upon a time; what is entirely likely is the company is a serial agency-dumper which is perfect because ad agencies deserve to treated that way.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008
We mated with Neanderthals. Can
we breed with other animals, too?
we breed with other animals, too?

2.People who register companies because they had a few spare lakhs, ambition, money to launder from another company, something to gain from bidding for contracts/funding under another name. All that, but no idea.

Friday, July 25, 2008

"...It's not fucking rocket science. It's fucking pre-GCSE scansion. I have written 350 restaurant reviews for The Times and i have never ended on an unstressed syllable. Fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck...I am sorry if this looks petty (last time i mailed a Times sub about the change of a single word i got in all sorts of trouble) but i care deeply about my work and i hate to have it fucked up by shit subbing. I have been away, you've been subbing joe and hugo and maybe they just file and fuck off and think "hey ho, it's tomorrow's fish and chips" - well, not me. I woke up at three in the morning on sunday and fucking lay there, furious, for two hours. weird, maybe. but that's how it is..."

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sea of Poppies

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2. Does anyone have a Baedeker - vintage types?
3. Prefabricated Houses, at the Modern http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2008/07/18/arts/0718-DWELL_12.html
4. Wouldn't mind this: Perfumes: The Guide (Hardcover)
5. Reality shows are better suited to this kind of challenge: http://momahomedelivery.org/
6. Another article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/18/arts/design/18dwel.html

Monday, July 21, 2008
Brangelina expecting twins - get sextets!
and EVEN MORE good news
Brangelina expecting twins - get sextets!
and EVEN MORE good news
Ecstatic as this news should be for the couple that delight in such expansion, sources close to the pair informed us that this time, the celebrity couple were distinctly unamused. Already overlooked for his acting abilities, Brad has also failed as producer, all his last 23 movies having registered unprecedented negative box office returns. By most estimates, Angelina too appears to have careened to the end of her acting career as we know it, her increasingly exoskeletal structure leaving hapless scriptwriters to protest at the unnatural retrofitting of story to suit the actress. Not to mention the third world refugees who have taken affront at having an unatural ambassador foisted on them.
It is opined they may shortly have to surrender all their children to adoption with the option of redeeming them later when at least either one of their careers picks up, at which time, if they are still together they may even lauch their charges into the world of celebrity.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Marriage of Maria Braun
Fascinating - economic locked-in script, thrilling turns, unreal dialog. Both Fassbinder. A possessed Hanna Schygulla. Fela (a viewer) watched this cynically but managed to be gripped; how did this happen? I suspect Fassbinder intended this: something like a radio show is playing throughout in the background - this would irritate anyone at the start. You are not encouraged to judge/evaluate, just receive, the pace helps. And of course the dependence on subtitles that robbed more time off the possibility. He is not compelled to make sense; he wishes to throw off the bumviewer within bounds.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008
- First Monday
- (Fire in the belly, run run run)
- Content is not king (for his deftn of contentum)
- Defeasible Reasoning
- Event: 28th July

Thursday, July 03, 2008
***Must learn my lesson: a burst of greed and hyperactivity made me break my no more ad agencies promise. zombie vibes were picked up. will say it again: no more. i will hereafter be happy with my modest gear -> power transmission assignments and look at educating myself in the plentiful spare time. blugh
***Alan Jonston, hostage for a year in Palestine some time back, returned to the bbc after the experience to host 'From Our Own Correspondent'. However his new-founded voice tone of irritating long-drawn resignation and abdication from interest, struck me straight off as tiresome and stultifying. As if to say he's been, everbody knows, through so much, he's earned the right to sound like this. The BBC is beholden but I think he should be asked to pick up or pack out. In a people's job you should be thinking of the stories you're presenting, no matter how mentally ravaged you were this time 2 years back.
***Wrk blogs bookmarkd: Frederick Noronha

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008
“Where else would I get away with such mediocrity?”
- Navdeep Singh (Director: Manorama Six Feet Under)
- Navdeep Singh (Director: Manorama Six Feet Under)

Thursday, June 26, 2008
When all's bled and done
(all amassing, causing lungs to limp)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Man as his own maker (Prolog)
The Craftsman (Review)
Inner-city Scholar
The Civitas of Seeing
Good work takes time
extract: "What I think of as urbanity is precisely making use of the density and differences in the city so that people find a more balanced sense of identification on the one hand with others who are like themselves but also a willingness to take risks with what is unlike, unknown.... It is the kinds of experiences that make people find out something about themselves that they didn’t know before. That’s what urbanity is at its best....To me, how to privilege the notion of difference that is what urbanity is all about."

Sunday, June 22, 2008
and did
you ever really know the meaning of
you ever really know the meaning of
Reading/watching fiction is bad enough, cannot take prolonged SOD in real life which urban Bangaloreans are splendid at practicing. > Exeunt from right

Monday, June 16, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The few times he does dot his opinion, I can't always agree (like when he can't understand what's so great about The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie). Considering my infantile but steadiy-eroding prejudice against north indian people (will remain anti-Hindi though) even if they happen to be on the social sidelines of New York, my reverence for alok's posts is a development. Admittedly he lacks some essential slant and original convictions, but he is somehow reassuringly comfortable with his relegated position of temerity. He is up the right street.
'sikkapatte kannada, swalpa hindi, totall bengaluru' hoarding/ print ads
wtf BigFM or the other ones? I'm sorry but the debrained visualizer-copywriter (actually glutonnous CD - since they usually hog the fancy accounts) of the hot shop 4-letter agency that came up with this revelation is wrong. He forgot the 3 other south indian languages + inglish-of-a-sense which have precedence over hindi in the south. I think the ideal here is: if a south indian radio station (it isn't i know) isn't going to register south indian languages - who is? jabalpur fm?
all that said - the radiocity website design by bcwebwise is a super job.

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Their painful selfconsciousness, resounding discomfiture is impressive. you could trust them. But the interviewer has a lot to be pulled up over. I do not appreciate the interviewer's insensitivity to the complexes his subjects have to deal with. These include:
- The language English (not a language the band is comfortable with)
- Their place as visitors (shakey for anyone but the most arrogant, culturally/personally)
Note how 2 members reach out for their papercups at the same time on the second question. The meek-postured boy in stripes closest to the camera only wants to leave and has taken to contorting his tongue in his mouth. He is the last to put on the headphones; wisely he puts it on only when the interview has begun. Half way into this interview, the mood of dire unease has not lifted. The member furthest from the camera has now placed his hand to to the side of his head - the thinking stress pose. Inspite of the thinking, he has spoken little yet his eye movements indicate he may be turning manic and distressed. When the interviewer uses the word 'life' ('Are you enjoying life?') it seems to offer hope, and most of them look up but not much is said. The interviewer hapless in his own desperation at what may go down as a failed interview asks a rude 'Are you having fun...'. This helps no one and the answer is a deadpan 'we're having fun'. clearly this Icelandic team is not going to open up like the savvy American. The interviewer seems to raise his voice a bit and asks 'Are you a bit of a phenomenon in Iceland?'. The word 'phenomenon' cracks them up and they chuckle privately but audibly suggesting they have private opinions about the interview, the interviewer, the choice of words, what it tells about the culture.
The interviewer becomes confrontational and strident when he could be considerate. Embarassed, his bandmates try to answer on behalf of their boy to cover up his social deficiencies. There is an expression of part-sympathy, -concern, -anger in his fellow member's . One of his mates, on the extreme right turns red-faced after putting in a quick word on his mate's lyrics.
The interview ends with an obvious 'edit' and the withdrawn face of the fractious band member in stripes and his bandmates; we could imagine there was an ugly face-off ('Drop it will you; picking on Jaan')?
We could consider the challenge in interviewing groups, where the one interviewer decides to question each and every person in that group before all. What happens inevitably is that the first to be interviwed has the pleasure of speaking primally, instinctively, less selfconsciously. While the others among the last to be called up have to deal with their own built-up opinions and reactions to everything so far. And unless the room was noisy and distracted, there would be every reason for the final few who are called up to be nervous, self-conscious and unable to express the complex range they have built up by then. It would be the responsibility of the interviewer to pick out then who he would not naturally pick out for a comment and give that person the lead in expressing and in a sense dominating proceedings (subsequent to this initiation, the turned-in member would not even be occupied by his primacy or deficiency in participation)

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Essay: College a toll booth on the road to employment?
Essay: The Craft of Musical Communication
Random: Polyhedral Maps
Mag: Jumpcut

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Dr Binayak Sen

Thursday, May 29, 2008
How to undermine karma

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thachom Poyil Rajeevan

When glasses look back.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
VK Krishna Menon

He has been described as 'the most disliked person in India' (which says a lot about the TIME editorial line and a lot about him). I really would like to know who constituted TIME's survey sample. really some rags.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
*Note to uber: My post on tehelka next. as soon as my eeep is set free for my post is sitting in it - amassing 2 pages in that time; it might be a short story*

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

But the best part has to be that I am learning from scratch.
scritch scritch.

Monday, April 28, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Let this not take away from the person and work of
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer
Vaikom Muhammad Basheer

[Written yesterday: I'm fairly zimmed since ages after protective company in old dens after a venerable malayalam english play and everyone saying byebye and how we must fix for a parting trek in 2 weeks, I am fairly marooned and in need of not engineered privation but fixed meditation - unthrown. I will miss insights and D's one on geniune people she introduced me to but whom she felt unworthy of, whom I already knew were 'true'. You know who they are no? The kind of smile that invests everything and dies right in you, some fragility that kissed you on the cheek and did not want to leave you.]
In the adaptation, I suspect the plainess has gone missing with the urbane tics/antics of the actors except most definitely the one who played the part of Basheer - a composed, even and perfectly-cast Paul Mathew (ex-Captain). All in all, I need a break from stories of men and their outlook.

Friday, April 25, 2008
Tum brum allergy or
What goes round or
One ick deserves an ack
What goes round or
One ick deserves an ack
...in the past Nambudiris considered themselves polluted by even the touch of other Brahmins: Eda Shudha touch of Tamil Brahmins such as Iyer, Iyengar, Pattar which required the Nambudiri to bathe before resuming activities)..." - Wikip

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
**** My special thanks to D (who doesn't read blogs) for just being there in a tricky patch. I'm not one to believe in the friendship biz. which is mostly about public show and pledged to sex arrangements; we're frigid, distant, emotionally-impaired planks with separate agendas, but she was there when I needed an ear, and that counts for something better.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Monday, April 07, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
other news 1, Can someone assist me in moving out once and for all from Bangalore? My spine is slowly filling with dead lead.
other news 2, Trolley talk - mixedrace identity ; Adwoa-Shanti Dickson
other news 3, And what's with not announcing Frederick Dove's removal as presenter of Outlook on the BB World Service? Few weeks back, I just happened to catch his swansong and the sadness in his voice saying it was his last show. And that's the last thing he says. Nobody like that should leave without an elegy.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008
I had no opinions about this treat of a sequence, I was just on an errand but I was so disembodied and in very odd way alienated by the whole tapestry.
So today at desk, I'm feeling a bit shifted, displaced, mislaigned...
another feature piece in the miasm was that the fridge door closing mechanism was impeded for good. So what? i slam it a lot in real life big deal who wants a fridge.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

In other news: Not only is Baichung Bhutia one of the few Indian sportsmen in the right sport, he also happens to be one of the few with any balls.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The art of letting slip: the name of a famous relative
& other more meaningful arts
& other more meaningful arts
On to the more meaningful arts and news:
- I've been looking for this medieval illustration of the the mythical-seeming Land of Hermaphrodites that Marco Polo mentioned from his travels. But it's nowhere on the net this illustration.
- This morning I found myself dancing like Pan to some radio track. With shades on. Halfway in a pose, Peeping into the mirror for an inst, I was in this bachanallian Pan pose [image], one knee cocked to the level of my neck
- Sestinas make sense but still not certain what canzones are meant to obey
- In thoughtful news: Coming to the assistance of Kerala's vanilla farmers (facing falling prices) Amul has decided to switch to natural vanilla flavour in its entire range of vanilla icecreams. An Amul spokesman said the move would make Amul the first national brand to use natural vanilla extracts instead of synthetic vanilla. Farmers had contacted GCMMF and Sharad Pawar to make use of natural vanilla flavour mandatory for all ice-cream maufacturers in the country.

Friday, March 14, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I am in absolute love with my darling eldest sister who visited home yesterday in a fresh boy cut. Now in her seventh month with her second, she sat like a sweet happy bud when i saw her yesterday evening. Wearing her favorite pink T with white polkas and sportingthis new tumble boy cut that brought out her cherub blossom. What a pretty thing. And pulling off a nice surprise like that on everyone including her husband. Simply Adorable and the most precious sweet thing I have seen in ages. Exuding this general love for all things even the air blunting softly around her. Only small fulfilled independent birds have made me feel the same way. Some plants, and flowering trees too, squirrels and sparkling stars.I must get something for her this weekend. dear sweet treasure.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Monday, March 03, 2008
David Yocum and Brian Bell's architecture office (Atlanta)

Friday, February 29, 2008
In other news I'm having some fun curating at Pigmy - which get us to another thing. I'm doing a retrospective of some of my blog posting that never got posted because it piled up in .txts instead.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008
That brings me to a little tribute I'd like to make to my companions of the evening 'IS' and 'S' who have taught me a couple of lessons in the little time I've known them. Their stable, undemanding and free-willed selves have taught me that company is best enjoyed for itself and is ruined by demands. Their ancient friendship is before me and there is no other set of guys I have enjoyed drinking with as much, even if at any time, one or the other or both have some excuse for abstaining. Well. Here's a mug to them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Exhibition on till March 30

Already begun, exhibition on till March 30th 2008, 9.30 am to 5.30 pm, Monday to Friday
Curator: Annamma Spudich
More details

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
But is this an empty victory for Baer? Because there be mirror sites. You can read the offending documents here: http://wikileaks.be/wiki/Full_correspondence_bewtween_Wikileaks_and_Bank_Julius_Baer
And here is an an instance of someone who got jittery about wikileaks back in March. I mean downright hostile - he gets to reputation even.
2. In other news, with a exciting ruling awaited on the BAE-slushfund-Saudi case any time now. This appears the latest development: Blair used 'irresistible pressure' to halt investigation into BAE-Saudi arms deal

Monday, February 18, 2008
Honestly the most original and sensible English writing in India today are translations from the vernacular.
The metro English stuff is just self-conscious piddling. To make things worse their champions try to make a fashion statement while theyre at it. With all the sub-standard stuff parading I'm ready to read only in kannada or malayalam; only its going to take some time. Movies should help.
*this is to send the message that the author has a rich nude private life

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
obama: exceptional

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Nayi Neralu (Based on a novel by S L Bhyrappa)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008
(Following post will list all we found)
Brahminy Kite
Pariah Kite
White-cheeked barbet
Koel (male-female)
Spotted doves (making out)
Grey drongo
Palm swift
Golden Oriole (small!)
House Crows
Jungle Crows
(Prasad addressed himself largely to the kids which is fine; they were a more loyal audience, unlike a group of flitty adults who insisted on getting distracted by 'Visit Shimla' salesboys and similar sideshows. Subbu was in better form sketching with strange enthusaism for kids)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
First thing to report in ages,

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Conscious use of scaling and recursion in Logone-Brini's architecture
Ring-shaped fractal in Ba-ila architecture
Fractal model for Mokoulek; Nankani village in Mali
(Scaling patterns common to all indigenous architecture? No
That any society without a 'State' structure functions on a heirarchy and has a bottom-up architecture.
Only African ones were fractal; native Americans used a combination of 4-fold symmetry and circular symmetry)
- Intuition? In some case they had sophisticated algorithms:
- Recursive geom in Mangbetu design
- Fractal construction in Ethiopian cross design
- Recursive Eulerian paths in Lusona(Angola) *
- Self-organising patterns in Owari/Mancala/Bao/Sogo
Practical Fractal: Scaling in an African windscreen (when fences in the Western world are Cartesian; strictly linear) And the great: Bamana sand divination (Binary code recursion) using deterministic chaos like a pseudorandom number generator: thjis may be implemented in hardware (relevance as core-base study in Engineering schools in these communities)
Using fractal structures for structuring postal addresses (imbalance of imposing a grid structure postal structure on a fractal village). Finally, google's search engine ranking uses the fractal structure of the Web; why it was a more successful than other engines; it was the first to take advantage of the selforganizing properties of the web. It's in ecological sustainability; the developmental power of entrepreneurship; ethical power of democracy; why the AIDs virus (and other virulencies) spreads so fast; destructive effects of capitalism

Friday, November 23, 2007

IN PIC: Columbia Street Building designed by French-Brazilian architecture firm Triptyque for an ad agency called Loducca
On the other hand, mathew & gosh architects sounds more promising than what they've put out so far. what were they thinking of? desert homes? it's Bangalore - i dont think the city needs people who want to make a dubai out of it. they can of course, still change. their current style is more welcome in a more crowded market with numerous breathing alternatives. in their homes, i can picture my skull cracking in an unremarkable fall on one of their hard edges. Their work for Malabar escapes is much nicer though - which I suspect is because they weren't creating from scratch and a lot of the charm was irrevocably in place. The good news is that Bangalore has a sweet outfit called Total Environment.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
This one goes out to my sis - Buggles 'Radio Star'
Lying awake intent at tuning in on you.
If I was young it didn't stop you coming through.
They took the credit for your second symphony.
Rewritten by machine and new technology,
and now I understand the problems you can see.
I met your children
What did you tell them?
Video killed the radio star.Pictures came and broke your heart.
Video killed the radio star.
And now we meet in an abandoned studio.
We hear the playback and it seems so long ago.
And you remember the jingles used to go:
You were the first one.
You were the last one.

Monday, November 19, 2007
Also posted to bngbirds

Hi - I was finally initiated into birding after years of static interaction with the g&i 'birds of south india' (the book was enough to please me). however, i got round to a kind of professional birding only yesterday in zwin - with a passionate birder from Manchester. He lent me a pair of 8x24 binoculars, let me view through the telescope and provided top-class commentary on everything birds. This was a dream initiation. To get to the point, here are the birds we spotted mostly all on the same stretch of marsh-like land:
little egret; lapwing; shellduck (uses rabbit burrows for nest); starlings; jakdaws; starlings; red shanks; oyster catchers; curlews; waders (either grey on golden. not certain); grey plover, ringed plover; greater crested grebe; little grebe; mallard; gadwell; pochard; greylag goose; buzzard; kestrel; herring gull; less black back gull
blackheaded gull; cormorant (very happy to spot; last time i saw one was in kerala)
Since it was right there, we went to the bird enclosure in the reserve; and i hope the birds within are there only because they were injured or ailing; i would be sorry otherwise; i dont think its doing anyone a favour if the proposers thought it would be a helpful crash course. I saw a rook, night heron and stork there. And then the very striking eagle crow.
Thats all. The total experience really picked up a stale period in a retentive country. And reaffirmed something I never doubted: the unique and thrilling urge among birders to share and discover with anyone. This is a fine religion.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Neil Gershenfeld on Fablab & Stefan Sagmeister on why design

Friday, November 09, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007

A few good women are around though, they're just so hard to find I think they have to take a conscious effort to develop a kind of composure in strength. The package of both good content and matching form I'm afraid is so important and hard to come by.

Thursday, November 01, 2007
We shall leave this decent morning with a Bakhtin quote used by AKR in his essay Towards a countersystem:
"Every thought senses itself to be from the very beginning a rejoinder in an unfinished dialogue. Such thought is not impelled towards a wellrounded, finalised systematically monologic whole. It lives a tenselife on the borders of someoneelses consciousness."

Wednesday, October 31, 2007
maybe spending whole holiday tomm on a unaffordable book got on 'e.m'. did i tell you i got half-mugged on the metro when i was walking in a dark passage last sunday. 2 guys were tailing me and as fate goes i was the last person in a crowd up the elevator, one of them tapped me on the back. isn't that a spooky way to start? and why was I calm. but not going ahead with the story. we'll keep it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Another world is possible

In other news, it seems Malta and me just click. And also that if tomorrow evening's readings are going to be about gender tensions, I am going to make a very big noise next to my duvel. and zats awl.

Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Why we were meant to build houses; not buy them

And this is what you get. Pleasure. Several houses in many earlier layouts and even some current ones in Bangalore hold houses whose construction had considerable involvement of the owner. These houses include tenement-shanties that you can see straightaway are absolutely inventive and the work of thrill and sweet concern. All I ever wanted was to never live in an apartment but a house that stood on ground and yes, that we were involved in building. It's important not to get besotted over ownership of course, but when pops put together something, however hemmed, several years back, it became true. Now look at this pretty thing in the favelas of Sao Paolo. Special waves of good energy going out to Estevao Silva da Conceicao. Home construction should not be the preserve of the academically trained; practically trained - ofcourse. As Estevao has been - as assistant to a builder for several years.